Monday, September 04, 2006

Article & Column Assignment

Sports Writing Piece #1

Based on the Pre-writing we do and an event you watch, you will compose your first piece. For this assignment, you need to write two short pieces: a column and an article.

For the column, you need to express your opinion on a particular topic. You might need to give some background and you might need to address the opposing argument. You can look at columns in the paper, online or in magazines and use them as models. Consider your audience a typical group of sports fans—people who read, or at least glance at, the sports page regularly.

Column Possibilities include:
  • What is Sport Warm –up
  • Performance Enhancing Drugs Warm-up
  • Gambling Warm-up
  • Interesting Controversies
  • Biggest Story of the Summer
  • Debatable Sports Topics

For the article, you should watch something and attempt to retell it. Consider the highlights, the turning points and the outcome. You must avoid the temptation of using the newspaper. You don’t need quotes—we’ll do that later. You merely need to recap what happened so that someone who knows the sport would know what happened.

Article Possibilities:
Watch a sporting event on TV
Go to a sporting event
-little kids
-high school

Draft due for Peer Edit: 9/6/06
Graded Draft turned in:9/8/06


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